The Global Success Summit

This past weekend I attended the global success summit which featured the likes of Sir Richard Branson, Dr John Demartini and Greg Saker, just to name a few. I will take you through what some of these speakers said not by telling you what I heard but by teaching what they taught me. I will place myself in the shoes and speak as if I am them in order to put what I learnt over two days into this short time.

The first speaker was Dr John Demartini who is one of the world’s leading authorities on human behaviour and personal development, and these are the lessons he gave to us. It doesn’t matter if you were bright at school. You didn’t need to be the top achiever or get all you’re A’s to be successful. Knowledge is potential power and applied knowledge is success. Every person has the exact same opportunities as his fellow man or woman and this is clearly seen by Dr Demartini’s struggles in life and how he overcame them. There are people in this world who act on ideas and aren’t scared to take the risk in order to be great and stand on the shoulders of giants. Most people are too scared to act on their thoughts and only see the potential problems that may arise, but the greatest thing Dr Demartini can teach are that problems are a sign of life. We can control our fear and once we can control our emotions we can control our wealth. Be inspired rather than motivated because inspiration comes from within and motivation is from others – an outside force.

A key lesson that we were taught in overcoming our fears is to make a list of all the things that you have done in your life that were wrong, how they went wrong and caused other things to happen and how these wrongs served you because a master is someone who sees things on his way, not at the end.

Dr Demartine shared what he called the marshmallow example. Which goes as follows. 5 children were chosen and each was given one marshmallow. The children were told if you keep this marshmallow and all come back in 15 minutes and give you another marshmallow. And due to today’s society, who want instant gratification, most of the kids ate the first marshmallow .and this teaches us an important business lesson. You don’t plant a seed today and expect a tree to grow tomorrow, businesses takes hard work and time to develop keep away from the greedy element of instant gratification. You don’t want a business that sees only short term wealth inspire and create a business that sees sustainable long term growth that is successful and breads wealth for you over and over again.

I will share with you a brief background of Dr Demartini which had over 4000 people in tears. From an early age he wore hand and leg braces to correct a birth defect , in school he had difficulty reading, writing and speaking which was later diagnosed as dyslexia and a speech impediment. In his first year of school his teacher announced to his parents that their son would never read, write, communicate and never amount to anything.

DrJohn Demartini wasn’t phased by this he saw these as opportunities which could be overcome. Dr Demartini would ‘hang’ around with the clever kids and ask them dozens of questions and this is how he was able to learn everything that was taught in class without ever having to read it. His family moved homes and he was forced to move schools, now he no longer was able to be in a crowd of clever kids and was forced to drop out and became a full-time surfer. He was living on the streets sleeping in parks, behind bowling alleys and begging for food. He was saved by a 93 year old man after a near death experience nearly cost him his life. At the age of 18 he taught himself to read and took the initiative to get an education. He defied all odds that were against him and is now teaching others.

The most energetic speaker of the summit definitely goes to a man by the name of Robin Banks who has written books some of you may have read called mind power. He emphasizes how we can never gain control of the outer world until we have full control of our inner world which are our feelings and emotions. We all have 100% control of our inner world, whether you choose to use it or not is entirely up to you. I’m sure most of you are familiar with the word affirmation? Look at is as a short rhythmic positive saying. Our mind consists of our conscious, subconscious and unconscious. Our subcontiouse mind cannot tell the difference between what is real and what is not so use affirmations, say to yourself right now “I am the best at what I do” you are shaping your mind to think, feel and do all the actions that will lead you to becoming the best. Spend time with people who are successful in your field already take them for lunch, socialize with them on the weekends because people we spend time with we become.

Andy Harrington is founder of the professional’s speaker’s academy where he coaches the worlds very best speakers. If you have had the privilege to see Andy speak you will know what I mean when I say he is able to play with your emotions by using his various public speaking techniques he has acquired over many years and hundreds of appearances. Majority of people are scared of public speaking standing out in big crowds, imagine getting boo’d off the stage by thousands of people but Andy is the least bit scared and he told us why and I am about to share his secret with you by using only a quote he shared with us “there is no such thing as failure, only feedback”.

Andy has four rules to public speaking number one- Great presentation skills ,number two- structure your talk , number three- engage your audience, become a great story teller it captures audiences and makes it possible to engage with them on a deeper level. Decide what you are going to say and if you need a slide to show it, use it. The fourth rule is Get paid to speak!

Some of you may know of Marlon Smith and for those of you who don’t, he is the founder of Street Academics, a high school youth mentoring program. Marlon has worked in South Africa where he produced the ‘motivational Mondays “television series and the national “success is your choice” radio program. From Marlin we can learn one of life’s most fundamental rules we should all live by and that is to “never live an average life”. There are three things we all undoubtedly have in common

· We all want our life to have meaning
· We all want to be loved
· And we all want to experience success

What stands in our way of achieving this? FEAR… lets break down the word fear and bring new light to it the F is for false, the E-expectations, the A- appear, and the R- real. False Expectations appear real. you have to make a decision or take action upon something in your life. When faced with fear, imagine fear is looking you in the face here is two rules that you must always live by. Number one- what is the worst thing that can happen if I take action? Aslong as the result is not death, DO it! And number two – if I don’t take action what will it cost me? No one wants to live with regret, the constant thought of what if, it will keep you up all night constantly thinking what if! “regret is the greatest sin, because we have so much potential”. Trust in yourself that you are making the correct choice and follow through with 100% commitment and faith in your decision, fight fear by having faith in yourself! Because “faith and fear cannot operate at the same time”.

From Marlon I learnt the importance of making goals, not just goals in your head “A blunt pencil is always better than a sharp memory”, actually write them down and recite them out loud 3 times a day .Repetition is a very important aspect with regard to goals and this is shown in an acronym Marlon has created and I will take you through it quick. R.E.P.O.H REPOH- Repetition ,Easy ,pleasure , often ,habit. If you repeat something often enough it becomes easy, when its easy it becomes easy it is fun to do , when it is fun to do we do it often and when we do it often it becomes a habit.

Peter Sage was also an outstanding speaker sharing a quote which I will never forget “you don’t need money you need a better strategy” when I heard this quote it didn’t make much sense but the story that followed summed it all up. Peter Sage was hosting a talk in Hawaii, the talk was rather expensive. A man form LA was determined to hear Peter talk. This man had little money and could not afford a ticket for the event. So he decided just to fly to Hawaii, with money that he had only for a plane ticket.

He went to the talk and when he got there he found Peter Sage and told Peter that he did not have enough money for the talk and asked if Peter could have a free ticket, in which Peter responded “you don’t need money, you need a new strategy.” The man was baffled. What strategy could possibly work? Peter said “go to the information desk, each city in the US is given a specific number and each participant has a badge with their number correlating to their city on it, now once you have done that go look for a man and a woman who are in a couple with those numbers, they are most likely to have children. Go up to them and tell them, you know that if they had to try teach their children what they learnt at the talk today their children would not listen. So suggest that if they paid for your ticket, that when you go back to LA you will meet up with them and teach their children of what was said at the talk, and you would do it for free.





